Sensory Garden
The Audio-Reader Sensory Garden
The Sensory Garden on the grounds of the Baehr Audio-Reader Center waits to welcome guests with its flowers, herbs, and accessories designed to delight the senses. Plants with intriguing textures such as Lamb's Ear can be felt with your hands and are intermingled with the delightfully fragrant leaves of mint and lavender. Wind chimes ring in the breeze and join with the chirping of birds as they visit the many feeders along the tree-covered path.
To facilitate an interactive experience that is easy for pedestrians and wheelchair users alike, an accessible brick path leads the way passed raised garden beds from the house to the volunteer-designed and built pavilion.
The garden was built, and is maintained, by volunteers. If you have a green thumb, or just a few hours time, you can help, too. We are currently seeking garden volunteers from Master Gardener Level (to take over for the amazing Frank Male Jr. retiring in October 2023) to Entry Level (who can help as little as once a year) and every position in between. If you are interested, please submit a Volunteer Application or reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator, Trish Dowd Kelne, at

The garden is open to the public, and groups are welcome. To make an appointment for a tour, or to find our more about the garden, please call or email Beth McKenzie at, here at Audio-Reader; 785-864-5336. You can also order a personalized brick for the Sensory Garden.