About Us
Audio-Reader offers print-disabled persons the opportunity for greater personal independence by providing access to the printed word and visual information via electronic media and other technologies.
Audio-Reader is an audio information service for blind, visually impaired, and print disabled individuals. Volunteers read daily newspapers, magazines, best-selling books, and local advertisements live on the air and on-demand 24 hours a day. Ways to access our services include closed circuit radios, listening live on the website, accessibility apps, Amazon smartspeakers, and our Lions Telephone Reader Service. Audio-Reader programming is offered free of charge to anyone who is unable to read normal printed material.
Over 6,000 Audio-Reader closed circuit radios are currently in use in private homes, nursing homes, and hospitals throughout Kansas and Missouri. Find details about our radio coverage area on https://reader.ku.edu/radio-coverage-area
Audio-reader also handles the Association of Radio Reading Services National Tape Exchange Program, distributing around 20,000 hours of tape each year to individuals and to other radio reading services Thousands of taped programs are available through the KU exchange. More than 40 percent were produced at KU by Audio-Reader volunteers.
Watch these two videos and click on this Audio-Reader Informational Brochure (pdf) to learn more about Audio-Reader, and Handout for Newly Diagnosed Low Vision Patients [pdf].
Audio-Reader is a member station of the International Association of Audio Information Services (IAAIS). Learn more about IAAIS and find partner stations across the globe on iaais.org.