Volunteer Resources
Additional Resources
The Volunteer Substitute system uses the web-based program TeamUp, which hosts all of Audio-Reader's volunteer assignment schedules. TeamUp gives volunteers access to a list of the substitutes needed for the next month, the filled assignments AND instructions for assignments. If you need a sub you must contact a staff member – you CANNOT submit substitute requests through TeamUp.
How to use TeamUp
- Go to: https://teamup.com/ksc78cc0d4b844eae1?showAgendaDateRange=month&date=today&view=a
- Bookmark this page on your computer.
- Purple assignments need a sub, green assignments have been filled.
- Click on the assignment you want to sub for, and then click on the blue "sign up" button on the right hand side of the box. Fill in your name and email address - and you are done!
- Instructions for each assignment are in the “description” section.
- The assignment will not switch from purple to green until a staff member reviews the signup.
Click here for the TeamUp Instruction pdf
Telephone Reader
- Telephone Reader assignments start with the letter "P" followed by the publication number and message number.
- Telephone Reader assignments must be completed between 5-10 AM Monday-Friday and 5-11 AM on Saturday & Sunday.
Digital Broadcast
- Assignments that start with the first three letters of a week day (ie. Mon, Tue, Wed) are for the digital broadcast and need to be recorded on a computer at home or in studio.
- Broadcast program files are due one hour before the air time listed in TeamUp.
The App
You can, but don't have to, use the TeamUp App on your iPhone, iPad or Android device. You don't need an account, just copy the web address above into the app. You can then access the calendar and sign up for assignments through the app.
If you NEED a sub you must contact a staff member to request a substitute!
Picture Description Discussion - October 2023 Training (pdf)
Zinio (magazine reading) Login Instructions (pdf)
Timing Estimates - on average, people read 180/words per minute.
- Research about average reading times (pdf)
- Link to a website that will estimate reading times: The Read Time