Audio-Reader expands services to include regional Meals on Wheels menus

LAWRENCE — When an Audio-Reader listener from Topeka recently mentioned that she could not access her monthly Meals on Wheels menu because she is blind, staff took action to address the issue.
In partnership with regional Meals on Wheels organizations, monthly meal menus and nutritional information are now available in audio format through Audio-Reader’s Telephone Reader Service, sponsored by local Lions clubs. Without the need for internet access, listeners call a toll-free number, enter their personal passcode and hear what is on the menu for the current month.
Shirley Fudge, who requested the Midland Care menu, said she excited about this new programming.
“I enjoy having Meals on Wheels menus on Telephone Reader,” Fudge said. “That way, I don’t have to look for a sighted person to read it for me. I recommend the service for hearing the news and shopping ads, too. Once you get set up with it, just follow the steps, and it is easy.”
The Lawrence Meals on Wheels organization serves residents who qualify for the program and live within the city of Lawrence. Its menu is one of three options that also include Midland Care Meals on Wheels (Shawnee and Douglas counties) and Senior Services of Wichita Meals on Wheels (serving the Greater Wichita metropolitan area). Additional menus will be available upon request.
This information is an addition to content already available through Audio-Reader such as local store ads, newspapers, books and magazines. Trained volunteers read the content for the service, so a familiar voice is always a phone call away.
Based at the University of Kansas, Audio-Reader aims to foster independence by providing access to information and the arts for people who have difficulty reading standard print due to vision loss, physical or learning disability, mobility challenges and age. Qualified listeners can request a personal Lions Telephone Reader passcode at no cost by completing an Application for Service or by calling the office at 800-772-8898. For more information, please visit the Audio-Reader website or email