Successful audio sale at the Lawrence Public Library

Mon, 02/10/2025


Martha Helen Kehr

Over the weekend of February 7-8, 2025, Audio-Reader held the spring Audio Sale at the Lawrence Public Library. This was the first sale with a preview night available with an entrance fee of $5. The sale on Saturday allowed the regular free admittance. 

The audio equipment sale is a biannual fundraiser, and all proceeds from the sale go to supporting Audio-Reader services. With the generous support of our equipment donors and sale patrons, we are able to keep our services free of cost to the people in the community who need us. Each person who drops off a turntable or box of records or comes to the sale to purchase one of those donations is truly helping to share the gift of sight through sound to listeners who rely on hearing their daily newspaper, weekly grocery store advertisement, or entertaining special interest program. 

The sale would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of staff member Meredith Johanning and our illustrious A-R sale volunteers Ed Hawkins, Douglas May, Gordon Fitch and Dave Dunford, who all check, clean, repair and price all the audio equipment, as well as Wake Mitchell who checks and prices all of the vinyl records. 

Dozens of volunteers from campus organizations like Delta Gamma and Triangle Fraternity assisted with organizing and carrying equipment and records plus several of Audio-Readers Volunteer Readers also pitched in to work the sale and organize the crowds.

Special thanks goes out to local radio stations KPR and KJHK for helping us spread the word, and, of course, Audio-Reader finds the partnership with the Lawrence Public Library Friends & Foundation to be invaluable! 

Check to learn the dates of the Fall 2025 Audio Equipment Sale at the Lawrence Public Library.

Mon, 02/10/2025


Martha Helen Kehr